Extra Stuff

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Late in the day HNT - Booty

I thought I'd toss this outtake out here so I could play along, which I haven't done in quite awhile. Hmmmmm? What's that? Outtake to what, you ask? Ohhhhhh.......that's for me to know.   ;)

I hope all of my readers and blogger friends are gearing up for a successful Holiday season, whatever your inclinations are. I know the secret to my success is a never-empty cup of Merry. Whiskey sour, in case you wanted to know. So, um.....bottom's up!


Adam said...

Mmm...thanks! Love the pic!

Jack and Jill said...

Gorgeous picture! We wish you the happiest of holidays!

Advizor54 said...

I love the lingerie, so perfectly cute on a perfectly shaped rump. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Delicious, perfect curves and lighting, imagination running wild!

Whiskey sour sounds good, I'm fine with or without the sour though.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bottom! Delicious!

GoodWill said...

Mrs D said it best..."Delicious" is exactly what came to my mind.

Beyond that, I'm at a loss for real words or rational thought...just drooling, grunting and whistling...

HHNT Freya!!!

PP said...

Sensual photo... ;)

Freya said...

Adam, you're very welcome!

Jack and Jill, glad you stopped by and liked what you saw. Happy holidays to you as well.

Advizor, there's plenty more where that came from. My pleasure, sir.

M, whiskey straight up it is. The sour makes my mouth water. We'll have to think of something else for you. ;)

Mrs., thank you. It serves it's purposes quite nicely.

Will, all drooling, grunting, and whistling is welcome. I'm a shameless whore that way. Not the only way, mind you.

PP, thanks for the visit and flattery. :)